Harvey Norman techteam+ by Assurant® - Privacy Notice

What Information We Collect

How We Use & Disclose Collected Information

Your Choices

Important Information

Assurant Services Australia Pty Ltd (A.B.N. 18 613 632 367), an Assurant group company, with offices at Level 4, Deutsche Bank Place, 126 Phillip Street Sydney 2000 NSW, respects your concerns about privacy. Assurant Services Australia Pty Ltd is a processor and operates this mobile app on behalf of Harvey Norman, who is the controller of your personal information in the context of the Harvey Norman techteam+ mobile app that provides customers with the ability to manage and troubleshoot their connected home devices (the “Service”). The terms “We”, “Us”, or “Our” refer to the processor of your personal information.

We manage your personal information in an open and transparent manner and employ safeguards designed to protect your information, including to:

  1. comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”);
  2. ensure that we manage your personal information transparently;
  3. collect only the personal information reasonably necessary to provide the Service to you;
  4. tell you how We use your personal information;
  5. let you know if we disclose your personal information to anyone else (including anyone overseas) and if so, under what circumstances this may happen;
  6. employ safeguards designed to protect your personal information;
  7. respond to any request received from you regarding marketing communications;
  8. make sure your personal information is kept accurate and up to date and to properly dispose of any personal information which is no longer required by Us; and
  9. ensure that, where, appropriate, you may access and correct your personal information that is held by us in the context of the Service.

This Harvey Norman techteam+ by Assurant Privacy Notice (“Notice”) describes how We collect, access, use, disclose, retain, transfer, otherwise process and protect personal information when you use the Service, and how We comply with the Privacy Act 1988, the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (the “Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles.

You must read this Notice before providing Us with any personal information or using the Service. By providing Us with your personal information and using the Service, you are confirming your agreement to this Notice.

This Notice applies to the Service only and does not necessarily reflect practices with respect to information gathered through other services We offer or websites We operate or the collection of information through off-line means. To review the privacy practices of those other services, please refer to the policies provided associated with each.

If you have any concern about providing information to Us or your information being used in any manner permitted by this Privacy Notice and the Terms of Service, you should not download the mobile app. If you have already downloaded the mobile app, you may close your account. Closing the mobile app account has no legal effect on any usage contracts; separately agreed termination periods remain unaffected. See Section 4.3 of this Notice to view how to close your account.

We protect your personal information using industry standard safeguards. We share information about you to provide the Service, with your consent or as required by law, and We will always let you know when We make significant changes to this Privacy Notice.

1. What information We collect

Our Privacy Notice applies to any users of the Service. We collect information when users operate Our Service to troubleshoot issues with a mobile device on which the mobile app has been installed or devices which may be covered under the Service.

We collect your personal information in the following ways:

1.1 When you use our Service

When you use the Service; to access its features and so that We can administer the Service, We ask users to provide Us with their: (i) name (ii) email address, and (iii) phone number. We also collect information about your mobile device (e.g., mobile device type).

1.2 When you communicate with Us or contact Us for Technical Support

We collect information when you contact Us for Technical Support.

When you contact customer support (for example, when you use Our Tap to Talk or Tap to Chat function), We will collect information that you provide to Us in your communications (such as the query or issue that you have raised).

With your permission We will access your personal information contained within the Service or your device to respond to your request. When Our Technical Support advisor accesses your device for troubleshooting purposes, while the Technical Support Advisor is logged in to your account, she or he can access and extract information (such as settings) from the device. The Technical Support advisor will only access information needed to troubleshoot the device, and once the session is over, they will not retain any of the information on their screen. Please note that when you use Technical Support, Our advisors may be able to view messages and communications sent to the device while providing support services. We do not retain or use this information for any purpose.

You may report any problems or security concerns with the Service by contacting customer support at: 1300-666-647 or by e-mail at : techteamplus@assurant.com

The customer support centers are located within Australia and are operated by Us.

2. We process your personal information for the following purposes:

We collect information from you to provide the Service.

We collect and process your personal information to provide the Service to you and to contact you in relation to the provision of the Service, including.

  1. providing the Service, the mobile app, to you;
  2. verifying your identity;
  3. managing your account;
  4. preventing fraud and other criminal activities;
  5. to assist us to operate Our business and to improve Our services and performance, including staff training, risk management, recordkeeping, developing and enhancing the Service;
  6. recognizing you on the Service, the Mobile App, improving your experience, increasing security of Our networks and systems, and measuring use and effectiveness of Our Service;
  7. communicating with you and customizing Our support responses;
  8. conducting market research and customer surveys
  9. investigating complaints received from you and others about the Service, the Mobile App or Our products and services and tracking potential issues and trends to better serve you;
  10. making decisions about, and implementing, reorganizations or sales of all or part of Our business;
  11. where you give Us consent; and
  12. to comply with our legal obligations.

In addition, please note the following processing purposes:

  1. We place cookies and use similar technologies in accordance with Our User Analytics Notice and the information provided to you when those technologies are used.
  2. We obtain geo-location information from your wireless operator, certain third-party service providers, or directly from the device on which the Service is installed.
  3. We send you information about Our products and services, special offers and similar (where your consent is required).
  4. On other occasions where We ask you for consent, We will use the data for the purpose which We explain at that time.
  5. In response to requests by government or law enforcement authorities conducting an investigation.
  6. Responding to complaints where We are under a legal or regulatory obligation to adhere to a complaints handling procedure.

2.1 Withdrawing consent

Wherever We rely on your consent, you can always withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by  contacting customer support at: 1300-666-647 or by e-mail techteamplus@assurant.com. You may change your mobile app analytics settings at any time.

2.2 Automated decision making

We do not use automatic decision making or profiling.

3. How We share your personal information

3.1 Sharing information with affiliates

We may share your information among the Assurant family of companies.

We share your personal information with Our affiliates (meaning entities controlled by, controlling or under common control with Assurant, Inc.) for the purposes stated in this Notice. For example, your support enquiry may be handled by technical support staff located within or outside Australia (such as in the United States). Your personal information may be shared with Our affiliates, such as the Assurant group company through which you obtained the Service, for customer relationship management purposes (for example – when you make a complaint).

3.2 Sharing personal information with service providers

We employ third parties to help Us with the Service.

We employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate the Service (for example, customer support, analysis, audit, application, database hosting). These third parties have limited access to your information only to perform these tasks on Our behalf and are obligated to Us. The personnel of such third parties who use your personal information is limited to those individuals which are authorized to do so on a need-to-know basis and as necessary to provide these business services to Us. We do not authorize such third parties to disclose or use it for other purposes.

Please see Our  List of Service Providers to learn more about the service providers We use and the services that they provide to Us.

3.3 Sharing personal information with other recipients

We may disclose your personal information if mandated by law or if required for the legal protection of Our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.

We may disclose your personal information to public authorities if mandated by law or if required for the legal protection of Our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.

We may also disclose your personal information to parties acquiring part or all of Our assets, as well as to attorneys and consultants. Also, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against Us, your information may be considered a company asset that may be sold or transferred to third parties.

3.4 Data processing outside of your country

We may process your information outside the country where you live and disclose information to third party located overseas.

In providing the Service, your personal information may be transferred to, and processed by, third parties located overseas (“Overseas Recipients”). This occurs, for example, where a third party provides a key feature of the Service (for example – reporting mobile app performance metrics). Prior to disclosing your personal information to an Overseas Recipient, We have an obligation under APP 8.1 to take reasonable steps to ensure that an Overseas Recipient complies with the APPs in relation to your personal information, as well as an obligation under APP 6 to disclose your personal information to an Overseas Recipient for the primary purpose of providing the Service, unless an exception applies under APP 6 (the “Overseas Disclosure Obligations”). We take reasonable steps to comply with Our Overseas Disclosure Obligations. The countries to which We send your personal information include the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Romania.

4. Your Choices and Rights

You may request access to, modify, or correct, where required by applicable law, of your account information or close your account.

4.1 Your choices and rights

You have the following rights with regard to the data processed by Us:

  1. the right of access to your personal data stored by us in accordance with APP 12; and
  2. the right to rectify incorrect or complete correct personal data stored by us in accordance with APP 13.

4.2 Additional information

You can exercise any of your rights by contacting Us through the customer support center at: 1300-666-647 or by e-mail at: techteamplus@assurant.com.

You can also send Us your request by writing to Us at the address provided in the “Contact Us” section of this Notice.

In order to safeguard your personal information from unauthorised access, We may ask that you provide sufficient information to identify yourself prior to providing access to your personal information.

Please note that certain personal information (for example – mobile number) can also be accessed via the mobile app. You may correct your mobile number via the “Settings” in the mobile app if you choose. In addition, you may close your Mobile App account by uninstalling the mobile app from your device. You may also delete your account from within the mobile app. This will not affect your mobile protection; it will just delete your credentials and data from systems.”

In certain situations and subject to applicable laws, including data protection laws, We may not be able or obliged to comply with all or part of your request. For example, We may not comply with an access request if doing so would reveal personal data about another person, or comply with a deletion request relating to information which We are required by law to keep or have compelling legitimate interests in keeping.

If you have unresolved concerns, you have the right to complain to an external dispute resolution service or apply to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (“OAIC”) to have your concerns heard and assessed.

5. Data Retention

We keep your information for as long as your account is active or as needed. In addition, We may keep certain information even after you close your account if it is necessary to comply with Our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce this agreement.

We keep your information for as long as your account is active or as needed. In addition, We may keep certain information even after you close your account if it is necessary to comply with Our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce this agreement. We retain personal information you provide while your account is active or as needed to provide the Service. If you or We cancel or terminate the service, your information, including device information that you have provided will be removed from the Service 30 days after cancellation/termination. We delete logs and other information through the deletion process within 90 days of account closure.

The customer support team may retain information for as long as is necessary to provide support-related reporting and trend analysis only, but We generally delete or anonymize closed account data consistent with this Notice.

We may retain your personal information for longer than the periods set out above where necessary, for example to comply with Our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce Our Terms of Service.

6. Important Information

6.1 Minimum age

You must be at least 18 years of age, or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction, to use the Service.

We do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18 or such equivalent minimum age for consenting to data processing in the relevant jurisdiction. You must be at least 18 years of age, or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction, to use the Service.

6.2 Changes to this Privacy Notice

We will notify you when We change this Privacy Notice.

We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time. If We make any material changes to this Privacy Notice, We will notify you by the mobile app, or by other means prior to the change becoming effective, so that you may review the changes before you continue to use the Service. As We may make changes to this Privacy Notice, We suggest that you review it each time you access and use the Service. Please review changes carefully. If any changes are made to this Privacy Notice, We will revise the Effective Date that is indicated on the Privacy Notice.

6.3 Security Procedures

We take privacy and security seriously. Please know that the Internet is not a secure environment.

We have measures in place to restrict access to information to those employees and individuals whom We know have a valid business purpose to have access to such data. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards. We follow generally accepted standards designed to protect the personal information submitted to Us, both during transmission and once We receive it. We require those who provide services for Us and to whom We provide information collected through the Service to keep such information safeguarded and confidential. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is totally secure. Therefore, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.

6.4 Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Notice, please contact Us online or by postal mail.

For users within Australia

We welcome your questions or comments regarding this Notice. Please send enquiries to Data Protection Officer, Assurant Services Australia Pty Ltd, Level 4, Deutsche Bank Place, 126 Phillip Street Sydney 2000 NSW, or send Us an email at dataprotectionofficer.apac@assurant.com.

In addition, we welcome your questions or comments regarding this Notice at the Assurant Global Privacy Office. Please write to Us at Assurant Global Privacy Office, 260 Interstate North Circle SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30339, USA or send Us an email at ThePrivacyOffice@assurant.com.

You also have the right to file a complaint directly with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner under applicable local data protection law.

Effective Date: January 16, 2024

User Analytics Notice

Analyse Mobile App Performance

We collect personal information, on an individual and collective basis, based on your consent, to track and analyze preferences and trends, improve the quality of the mobile app, evaluate possible new features, functionality and services, and improve Our mobile app. We collect information when you use Our mobile app, and use third party analytics tools to evaluate user traffic. For example, We collect information when you view a mobile app screen. Additionally, We collect log in information about devices used to access the mobile app, including user ID, device information (e.g., device manufacturer, OS), and how you use the mobile app (e.g., when you tap the Backup button).

What types of cookies (or analytics) are used with the Mobile App?

We use first party cookies (or analytics) with the Mobile App. The analytics used in our Mobile App can be categorized in the following ways:

Purpose **These analytics tools collect information about how a user interacts with a mobile app. For instance, which screens visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages. The information collected is used to improve mobile app performance. **
Analytics Service Provider Mixpanel
Purpose Mixpanel enables Us to perform event-based analytics within the mobile app so effectiveness may be measured. Users may manage their opt in preferences within the mobile app under “Settings” at any time.

This User Analytics Notice should be read in conjunction with Our Privacy Notice. If you have any questions or concerns about these Notices or their implementation you may send Us an email at: harveynorman.techteamplus@assurant.com.

Effective Date: January 16, 2024

List of Service Providers

This List of Service Providers identifies the third party service providers (who are not considered to be part of the Assurant group companies) We use in connection with the Mobile App and :

Service Provider (Name) Amazon Web Services
Location (Country) Australia
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Mobile app hosting
Service Provider (Name) Salesforce
Location (Country) Australia
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes In-app chat service provider
Service Provider (Name) MixPanel
Location (Country) United States
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Mobile analytics to improve user experience
Service Provider (Name) SendGrid
Location (Country) United States
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Email for mobile app users
Service Provider (Name) LogMeIn
Location (Country) United States
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Remote support via remote device control and screen sharing
Service Provider (Name) Rollbar
Location (Country) United States
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Mobile app crash monitoring.
Service Provider (Name) Intercom
Location (Country) United States
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Sending User Messages
Service Provider (Name) Firebase
Location (Country) United States
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Supports measurement of mobile app performance (for example – when the app crashes)
Service Provider (Name) Fing
Location (Country) United Kingdom
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Scans the users’s Wi-Fi network to attempt to detect & identify connected devices which can be automatically added to the user’s device inventory
Service Provider (Name) Ookla
Location (Country) United States
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Network speed test
Service Provider (Name) IP-API
Location (Country) Romania
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes ISP lookup services
Service Provider (Name) Datadog
Location (Country) United States
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Infrastructure performance monitoring
Service Provider (Name) Nice
Location (Country) Australia
Service Provider’s Processing Purposes Customer contact management

Effective Date: January 16, 2024